Wednesday, April 22, 2015


For some time now, I've had an interest in recording.  I have flailed about with small multi track recorders and DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) without ever really coming to grips with how to record.

This blog is a record of my search for recording Nirvana - or at least a lesser hell.

I have a room which is dedicated to music.  It holds gear, a few bookcases, a desk and my guitars and other stuff.  The room is untreated and sounds it.  I'm not in a hurry to treat the room....I've recently become convinced that I can do a lot with the little I have (thanks to the recording revolution check this dude out.... )- if I work at the skills of recording.

For gear, I have a few guitars, a bass, a few other instruments which rarely see the light of day and are played with a merciless lack of proficiency on the rare occasions they are allowed out to play.  Much of what I will do will be in the box and midi based.

I'm recording on a laptop - nothing special - a stock HP thingamajig.  No fancy interface - running all my gear to a Behringer mixer, followed by a Behringer UCA usb interface.  Daw of choice is Reaper - I am still evaluating it but it looks like it will be my choice and will purchase.  If you're looking for a DAW, I highly recommend it as it seems to be a full feature piece of kit at a more than reasonable price.

No monitors per se - a pair of Shure studio recording headphones and a Mackie 150 watt mini pa. 

Hoping to update weekly as I tackle the recording of a cover album with my bass playing friend.  We've titled the project Moose & Squirrel - works best if said with a thick Russian accent!